
CodeFactor can fix certain reported issues. This can be done on-demand or automatically. We currently support:

- Detekt

- ESLint

- PHP_CodeSniffer

- Linter for Dart

- Stylelint (please note of limitation when using unscoped disable comments, i.e. /* stylelint-disable */. For such files the entirety of source will not be auto-fixed.)

- TSLint

- RuboCop

- SwiftLint

On-demand fixes

When visiting a page with fixable issues, you can create new PR or commit manually:

If you do not see this button it means CodeFactor did not find any issues that can be fixed.

We recommend using it to test this feature or when you need to resolve fixable issues by file, category or whole branch.

Automatic fixes

Disabled by default. To enable it, go to repository Settings page:

We recommend using it when you want fixes for each commit to be automatically sent to your repository as new PR or direct commit.